When it comes to global ministries we are truly better together. Many of our participants in EFC-MAYM churches will never leave the United States for a cross cultural mission experience. However, all of us can play a vital role in fulfilling the Great Commission Jesus left for us to “…go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19a, NIV) through our mission sending agency, Evangelical Friends Mission. EFM is the global ministries arm of EFC-MAYM, and five other groups of Evangelical Friends spread across North America. By God’s grace, through EFM, together we have planted 8 international yearly meetings representing approximately 250 organized churches and 17,000 attendees.
In addition, EFC-MAYM established the Burundi (Africa) Friends Church in 1934. Today Burundi Friends Church, consisting of 83 churches, continues to grow as it’s own Yearly Meeting. However, we partner together on various projects and ministries including Kibimba Hospital, pastoral leadership training and sister church relationships.
The Mission Mobilizers arm of EFC-MAYM serves to coordinate our mission efforts and provide opportunities for our churches and individuals to engage in global ministries through various mission opportunities including short-term mission trips. Our EFC-MAYM Friends Women, with chapters in many of our local churches, also serve to promote global ministries in the local church setting.