- Annual Report for Current Pastors
- Annual Report for Recorded Pastors
- Annual Report for Retired Pastors
- Annual Report for New Mobilizers 2019
- Attendance Report 2021
- Church Information Profile (CIP)
- Clearness Committee Process
- EFC-MA Child Abuse Protection
- EFC-MA Discipline Prevention
- EFC-MAYM Authorization Form
- Financial Report 2021
- HMB Annual Report 2019
- Ministry Leader Prayer Directory (2021-2022)
- Missional Living Equippers Practicum Cohort
- Minute Book 2021
- Nine Myths about Church Planting
- Pastoral Profile Application
- Pastoral Sabbatical Guidelines
- Pulpit Supply List
- Recording Apprenticeship
- Recording Procedures
- Embracing the Presence in Our Midst | Unprogrammed Worship Guide
Background Searches Available For Your Church
Local Churches of EFC-MA are welcome to use our services for First Advantage Background Searches by sending in the completed and signed EFC-MAYM First Advantage Search Authorization Form (pdf) along with the appropriate payment ($9.00/person for the standard search EFC-MAYM uses). Note that updated searches will be required for those background checks over 7 years old.
Churches can call the office (316-267-0391) to see if background checks have been done on individuals and what date the search was performed. (or email a request to efcmaym@efcmaym.org)
Scholarship Applications Available
Missionary Blessing Fund
The (NEW) Missionary Blessing Fund provides support for Evangelical Friends Church missionaries. This support is available either for field support or to help missionaries pay for education (undergraduate student loans or graduate or post-graduate continuing education). This fund is supported by the annual Run for Missions fundraiser.
Leach Graduate Scholarship
The purpose of the Leach Graduate Scholarship is to assist students who are members of the Friends Church and who are involved in graduate studies in preparation for ministry. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, pastoral ministry, missionary service, Christian education and youth ministry.
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