Dear Institute Friends, I am excited to announce that David and Carol Williams will be our first teachers in the forthcoming course, Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Direction. David and Carol will co-lead the class November 2, and they will give emphasis to the family as the primary arena for …
Stories of Transformation from the Home Missions Board | Part 3
A recent goal of the EFC-MAYM Home Missions Board has been to support and enable all EFC-MAYM local churches to carry out the Great Commission of making disciples that make disciples. Each Home Missions Board member took up this challenge to make this dream a reality in their own lives. A small …
December 2015 – Adult Mission Trip Opportunity to Mexico
Please share the word about an upcoming work trip to Mexico with anyone from your churches you think may be interested in participating. The trip to Coahuila, Mexico is planned for December 10th-14th. The project will be completing the sheathing on the Agujita Church. A passport book or passport …
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