EFC-MAYM Church Leadership Institute for Ministry
Download the current Leadership Institute Brochure (pdf)
Foundational Principles
Leadership Development
- Pastors and church leaders will be better prepared for effective leadership, to discern giftedness in the church, and to provide training for greater responsibility in ministry.
- Many of the pastors in this program will begin as bi-vocational ministers.
- The key to this system is matching a “Timothy” with a “Paul”, who will give assistance in gaining practical skills.
Team Building
- Pastors, youth pastors and church leaders often feel all alone and have few mechanisms for sharing, planning and dreaming.
- Our goal is to build fellowship and support groups for those who will be involved in church leadership.
Class Sessions
Classes convene for one two-hour session each month at several locations throughout EFC-Mid America via interactive web media.
To access these classes online, follow the instructions below:
Go to: http://www.youtube.com/
- Click on “Recent Uploads.”
- Click on the desired video.
Resource Leaders
Resource leaders for the courses are drawn from a pool of college professors, teachers and experienced pastors
Leadership Institute Dates
The Institute sessions will be held the first Monday of each month, except for April and September, when the dates will be the second Monday.
Tuition and Costs
Each session has a tuition cost of $10.00 ($30.00 per course). Students are responsible for the purchase of certain recommended textbooks.
For More Information Contact:
Dr. David Williams,
Lead Superintendent
Friends Ministry Center
2018 Maple St.
Wichita, KS 67213-3314
Phone (316)267-0391
Fax (316)267-0681
Email: efcmaym@efcmaym.org