A recent goal of the EFC-MAYM Home Missions Board has been to support and enable all EFC-MAYM local churches to carry out the Great Commission of making disciples that make disciples. Each Home Missions Board member took up this challenge to make this dream a reality in their own lives. A small …
Home Missions Board Update
Following an active search and an intense time of shared leadership by the local team, the Partner Advisory Team, chaired by Bob Mardock, is pleased to announce, effective August 1, 2015, that Pastor Emilio Sanchez (pictured 3rd from left) has been called as Lead Pastor at Iglesia Amigos de San …
Harvest Offering
With new momentum and increasing desire to live life and do ministry in light of our new “We Have A Dream” document, the EFC-MAYM Home Missions Board is launching a new offering for the Fall of this year, and we have chosen to call it the Harvest Offering. Harvest is a well-known theme in this …
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