Most transformational organizations, religious or otherwise, are launched with a certain ethos and energy that starts with a seminal vision/idea and swells like a wave to impact society around it. Take the Celtic Christians, the Moravians, early Pentecostalism, and closer to our time, the Vineyard, …
Be Fruitful and Multiply
Greetings, friends! As we move into a new season of ministry together in the coming days here in EFC-MAYM, it is exciting to see what God is doing among the wider body of Evangelical Friends from across the country and around the world in regards to evangelism, disciple-making and church …
Friends Women Retreat 2016 | Galveston, TX
Hundreds of women will be descending upon Moody Gardens in south Texas for this year’s Women’s Retreat. The gathering which begins onFriday, October 14, and runs through Sunday, October 16 will include great speakers, news about God’s work through Friends missionaries, lots of great food, praise and …
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