The last multiplication movement among Friends in North America was in the late 19th century, moving from the eastern seaboard, through the central plains, and on to the west coast. Today, the winds of God’s Spirit seem to be blowing again. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the next movement came in …
Leadership Institute, Aug 6 | Leadership & Administration
We have a wonderful blessing coming our way in the Church Leadership Institute for Ministry. Tom Showalter will be teaching our new course on “Leadership and Administration,” with the first class on August 6, 2018. We are all well aware that the strength of our churches is directly related to the …
Ministry in San Antonio
Under the weight of immigration pressures, the Spanish-speaking people of San Antonio are often reluctant to make new friends or even to talk with people on the street. When Pastor Runy goes out to the Home Depot to meet people as they are coming and going, the people often turn away from him when …
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