David Williams is devout in his intention to counsel and guide us in maintaining the healthiest possible lifestyle as church pastors and leaders, as he teaches our Leadership Institute class on April 2, 2018. Church leadership burnout has reached epidemic proportions, and much of the problem lies in …
A New Monasticism
During this season of Lent, Carol and I have been participating in a weekly online retreat entitled “Into the Wilderness.” The theme passage for each week is taken from one of the many biblical references to those times when God’s people have been called to spend extended time in the desert, …
Jr. High Quiz | Argonia, KS | 3-3-18
Argonia Friends Church hosted the March quiz meet on Saturday, March 3. Eight teams played a round robin tournament where every team played every team, answering questions over Matthew 15-23. There were many very close matches and nail biting overtimes. In the end, Northridge …
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