Church Planting Overview
Evangelical Friends Church Mid America Yearly Meeting currently is comprised of people in churches across seven states. This regional area has a population totaling over 40 million or over one-seventh of the total population of the United States of America. To date, there are 66 churches affiliated with EFC-MAYM, including 14 active extension development projects preparing new churches. By starting new churches we are committed to reaching new communities, new generations, and new peoples with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We long to see transformed lives in families and communities renewed through the Hope of the world – Jesus Christ. We look forward to pray and work with you as you seek to discern God’s call on your life and to accomplish the vision that He has placed in your heart.
We do not assume for a moment that the Holy Spirit of God is not already out there working ahead of us in our region of this country and around the world drawing lost and hurting people unto the Father.
We also know that He is working in the hearts and lives of new church planters that He intends to use to plant new Evangelical Friends Churches. So we provide this tool to assist you in your journey of discernment.
How do you know if you are a church planter?
There is not a magical test that answers that question; however, EFC-MAYM uses a series of essential self-assessment tests that helps you objectively evaluate your potential as a future church planter.
We suggest that you start with the Planter Profile, a free downloadable self-assessment, to help you gage whether or not you want to continue with the other assessments. Most of these instruments have a Spanish version. All of the instruments together will cost you under $100 and will take four to five hours to complete.
Since this may be the most important decision you will make in ministry, it is well worth the investment. Let’s get started.
Our Process
We believe that it is important that the planter “fits” within the EFC-MAYM family and a Friends Church planting context as determined by his or her gift-mix, background and agreement with the Friends Church Faith and Practice and mission of multiplying healthy churches among all people. They should also have the ability to minister effectively and live within the core group and community context where they plant, and fit the requirements of the particular model of church they are planting. While there are numerous church planting models, we believe most models fit under one of two broad church planting approaches, and thus, we have developed two basic church planting developmental journeys. One for Conventional Church Planting, and one for Missional Church Planting.
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