Conventional Track
Journey Toward Maturity
This list, with measurable objectives for each stage, is used in the following ways:
- As a tool for the church planter to use for planning and prayer.
- As a tool for the church planter to use with his leadership team and his coach to track progress.
- As a tool for reporting progress to the Partner Advisory Team and EFC-MAYM on a regular basis and whenever the Partner Advisory Team meets. (NOTE: This is required.)
- As a reminder to celebrate the achievement of objectives.
Candidate Assessment
- Candidate Resume submitted to EFC-MAYM
- Candidate completed consent form and background check completed by EFC-MAYM
- Candidate submitted five references with contact info to EFC-MAYM
- Self-assessments completed (DISC, Myers-Briggs, Planter Profile, Spiritual Gifts, Pre-assessment Questionnaire)
- Spousal support essay submitted to EFC-MAYM
- Church Plant Commitment Covenant and “What it Means to be a Friends Church in EFC-MAYM” agreed, signed, and submitted to EFC-MAYM
- Behavioral interview completed
- EFC-MAYM leadership and planter completed “The Expectations” Interview
- EFC-MAYM CMT sanctioned planter. If in agreement, then the planter signs the Planter Financial Agreement
Planter Preparation
- CMT appointed Planter Coach
- Planter and coach signed Coaching Covenant
- Church planting boot camp attended by planter and spouse (and coach and core team, if possible)
- Personal Growth Plan completed.
- Coaching Growth Plan completed
- 100 prayer supporters identified and published
- Support raising boot camp attended by planter and spouse
- Theological Prep: Planter completed Minister’s Information Guide and submitted to EFC-MAYM
- CMT sanctioned New Planting Project
- The PAT (Partner Advisory Team) is formed and operational
- Demographic study on ministry focus area
- Rough Draft of mission and core values completed
- First budget drafted and approved by PAT
- Pre-evangelism and outreach evangelism begun
- Small group/core group meetings begun
- Church plant web page published
- Church Planting Proposal completed and submitted to PAT and EFC-MAYM
- CMT (Church Multiplication Team) approved Church Planting Proposal
- Ministry Action Plans (MAPS) completed from boot camp training
Prenatal Development
- First year ministry planned
- Legal documents filed with the state
- Working draft of Mission, Vision, Values Statements written
- Gathering strategy developed
- Small group ministry multiplied
- Request for first preview service made to PAT
- Adequate meeting facility secured
- PAT secures liability insurance policy
- Preview Service “W” Strategy developed
- Preview service(s) held
- Worship services have begun weekly
- Project has begun to tithe back to EFC-MAYM
- Spiritual formation and discipleship begun for all ages
- Assimilation Plan prepared and published
- Ministry “fit” identified and believers deployed in service
Growth Toward Maturity
- Membership applicants interviewed and approved
- Final Draft of Constitution and Bylaws developed and submitted to the CMT
- Initial missions strategy developed
- Full church membership status requested in writing
- Annual church health survey conducted
Maturity and Reproduction
- Plans in place to become a Partner Church
- Full church membership approved by EFC-MAYM