Stacey D. Wheeler | EFC-MAYM Director of Communications and Church Planting Support
On Saturday morning, July 27th from 7:30-9:00 a.m., in the Recital Hall at the Ross-Ellis Center at Barclay College, seventeen EFC-MAYM pastors’ wives enjoyed breakfast together and, in the words of one woman, “just hanging out.” A big thank you to Stacy Penrose and Betty Jean Penrose for the beautiful flowers and decorations, which included a white heart with the words, “Never Forget the Difference You Make.”
Barclay provided a delicious breakfast of biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, sausage, fruit, and freshly baked scones, along with coffee. A huge thank you to Ryan Haase, Vice-President of Student Services at Barclay College, for setting up the food brought over from the Barclay cafeteria. Many people commented on how great the food tasted.
Betty Jean Penrose prayed for the meal and Stacey Wheeler welcomed everyone and introduced the speakers: Ruthanna Haines, who shared her testimony in becoming not only a pastor’s wife but a pastor herself on staff at Alva Friends Church, and Shelda Cay Kearns, as the main speaker, who shared about her experiences in being raised in a home where her mother, Elda Ann, was also a pastor’s wife. Her message included encouragement to be gracious and kind and to also enjoy times of ministry and hosting, as she saw her mother do. She shared humorous and edifying stories that Elda Ann had shared with her when they met together to discuss the talk. The table discussion time included sharing a favorite scripture and then ended in prayer for one another.
Coffee Hangout meets on the Second Thursday of the month over ZOOM! We have a Facebook group. If you’d like to join us, please send me your Facebook name for an invitation to [email protected].
Thank you to those of you who attended the third LIVE Coffee Hangout for the EFC-MA Pastors’ Wives!

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