Church Planter Orientation | September 30 – October 2
International Church Multiplication Conference | November 9 – 11
Did you know? As a fully empowered, gifted, and sent follower of Christ, you are commissioned wherever you are and wherever you go to make disciples. And when you go and make disciples, God can use you to plant unique expressions of the church in your context. No special education, training, or certification is required.
You can start a church of 2-3 people meeting in a coffee shop, a house church of several families, a missional community on a college campus, an intentional community in an urban area.
You can start a rural church, a suburban church, a traditional church and/or a contemporary church, a church with a lot of structure or a simple church.
You can start a cowboy church, a multi-ethnic church, even an online church.
You can start a church and concurrently be part of an established church. You can even be a collection of people from different churches.
You can experiment, innovate, start, stop, and change at the leading of the Holy Spirit.
You can be gifted primarily as a shepherd, a teacher, a prophet, an evangelist, or an apostle, and be a church planter.
You get the idea. Whatever the style or model of church, whatever your context, gifting, vocation, or calling, if you are faithful to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19), then God can use you to build His church. Each disciple and church has their own unique identity as they seek to live out the mission of Jesus. I think Rick Warren is credited with the statement, “It takes all kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people.”
If you are ready to take the church planting journey (or even just open to the idea), the EFC-MAYM Home Missions Board would love to come alongside you in a supportive role. We provide networking, so that you can learn from and be encouraged by others on a similar journey. We also offer resourcing, such as coaching, coach training (so you can help others), and church planter orientation to help get you started. If you are interested in learning more about the supportive side of church planting, then we would love to connect!
There are TWO amazing opportunities coming up to learn more about home missions, church planting, and the like.
First, New Church Planter Orientation will take place at Northridge Friends Church in Wichita, KS on Friday, September 30th – Sunday, October 2nd. You are invited! Please contact Carrie Corliss, 316-204-9997, for more information and to register.
Second, the International Friends Church Multiplication Conference is coming up November 9 – 11. It will be online again this year, with Friends from around the world coming together in the spirit of the Great Commission. Watch for early bird registration coming soon!

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