Kaleb and Sarah Locke | EFC-MAYM Quiz Directors
We had a very quick turnaround to our second meet which was held at Chandler Friends Church on February 1st. We were thankful to have 12 teams from 7 churches competing over Luke 1-5.
Friendswood Blue received 1st place overall, followed by Northridge Blue in 2nd, Bethel in 3rd, and Hutchinson Blue in 4th. The rest of the teams placed as follows:
5th Place: Haviland Red and Haviland Blue
6th Place: Friendswood Red and Argonia Red
7th Place: Argonia Blue and Chandler Blue
8th Place: Northridge Red and Haviland White
The next quiz will be at Derby Friends Church on March 1st. Students will quiz over Luke Chapters 1-7!
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