When | July 26-28, 2024
Where | Barclay College, Haviland, KS
Cost | $150 per person (Double Occupancy), $250 (Private), or $70 (Commuter)
Watch our General Sessions livestream here!
If you wish to pay by check or your church is sending payment for your group, please use the “PAYBYCHECK” discount code in the registration “Summary” right before your order total. Checks for the total ticket amount must be mailed to the Yearly Meeting Office payable to “EFC-MAYM” at:
2018 W Maple St
Wichita, Kansas 67213
As a leadership team for EFC-MAYM, we are excited to see how God is going to move during Ministry Conference throughout the weekend at Barclay College! Our theme this year is the same as last year with a different emphasis: “Encountering Jesus—Engaging the World.” This year we’ve asked Alan Amavisca to come help us learn how to make disciples, evangelize, and engage the world with the love of Christ. The Ministry Conference theme verse inspires us to seek God for solutions to any spiritual or physical roadblocks encountered as we seek to both encounter Jesus and fulfill the Great Commission by embracing and loving people in the world:
“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22: 37-40
Our General Sessions will be a time of worship and equipping and teaching from Alan. On Saturday evening, join us for a special retirement celebration for Janet Penna and Randy Littlefield.
Come join us as we encounter Jesus and prepare to embrace people in the world with his love!
Main Speakers

Alan Amavisca
Mission Director of North County Project
“I love doing ministry across barriers, whether generational, economic or cultural/linguistic; I believe that Jesus has given us a ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:20).”
Thayne Thompson
Lead Superintendent
“Encountering Jesus always leads us into mission with Him. Because of our rich heritage as followers of Jesus and as Friends we must focus clearly on our call to engage the world.”

Tony Wheeler
Superintendent of Pastoral and
Church Health
“We’re excited to encounter Jesus as we worship together and explore through Alan’s teaching and the teaching of others about how to engage our world with the hope and healing Jesus offers.”
Conference Schedule
4-6:30PM | Ministry Team Leaders and Future Leaders Dinner @ Ross-Ellis Center: Recital Hall
3:30-6:30PM | Registration @ Ross-Ellis Center
7PM | Worship Session 1 @ Ross-Ellis Center featuring Alan Amavisca. Worship led by Stacey Wheeler. Reception following: Pie Social.
7:30-9AM | Breakfast @ Cafeteria; Coffee Hangout featuring Shelda Cay Kearns for EFC-MAYM Pastor’s Wives @ Ross-Ellis Center: Recital Hall
9-10:30AM | Worship Session 2 @ Ross-Ellis Center featuring AlanAmavisca. Worship led by Randy and Carrie Beyer.
10:30-11AM | Break
11-11:45AM | Interview and Q&A with Alan Amavisca
12-1PM | Lunch @ Cafeteria
12-1:30PM | Friends Women Prayer Luncheon @ Ross-Ellis Center: Recital Hall
1:30-2:30PM | Ministry Team Meetings
2:45-5PM | Gathering for Worship and Business @ Ross-Ellis Center
5:30-6:30PM | Dinner @ Cafeteria
7PM | Worship Session 3 @ Ross-Ellis Center featuring Alan Amavisca. Worship led by Michael Scott. Reception following hosted by Barclay College and Friends University.
7:30-9AM | Breakfast @ Cafeteria
10:00AM | Concluding Worship Celebration featuring Superintendents Thayne Thompson and Tony Wheeler. Worship led by Stacey Wheeler.
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