On the evening of December 3rd, 2023, the Northeast Area held a Christmas party and auction at Hesper Friends Church for some delicious food and warm community, and to raise money for missions. Six churches gathered to enjoy the carry-in dinner followed by an auction with auctioneer Charlotte Rainsbarger (Emporia) and assistance from Walt Mills (Stanwood), and Jenny Morgan (Emporia). The auction included, among other items, various holiday hats and ornaments, Christmas cookies and treats made by Nancy Smelser, and handmade scarves and blankets from pastor’s wife, Jerilyn James-Herriges. Albert Warner is now the owner of a new fishing pole after his dad Jared won the bid. The auction raised $1,400 for the 2023 Northeast Area missions project to be given to the Kibimba Hospital 3rd floor construction work in Africa. A Youth Fund was promoted to collect funds that help send area kids to summer camp at Camp Quaker Haven. Superintendent of Pastoral and Church Health Tony Wheeler enjoyed homemade chicken noodles and commented, “What a great night of fun and fellowship that raised money for a worthy cause.”

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