Time to get registered for the Run for Missions 2016! Price goes up Oct 19!
The 7th annual Run for Missions 5K, 10K, and Half-Marathon events is only six weeks away! The Run for Missions supports missionaries around the world.
The races will be held Saturday, October 29th, 2016 in Haviland, KS on the beautiful campus of Barclay College. The Half-Marathon will begin at 8am and the 5K & 10K events will begin at 9am.***A pancake breakfast will be provided to all runners after they cross the finish line. *** Same great race as before! | Details & Registration
We will need about 30-40 volunteers on race day/week. The 5K team competition is back…gather a team of (at least) 10 to compete for the annual team trophy!
Visit our volunteer page to sign up as a volunteer!

Sponsor the Fundraiser Run!
The 9th annual Run for Missions 100-Mile Fundraiser Run will be held on October 31st. This 100-mile run from Haviland to Wichita benefits the Missionary Blessing Fund. We are seeking pledges per mile with the goal of raising $25,000 this year – $1950 has already been given as of today. In the previous seven years, the Run for Missions has raised a grand total of over $135,000. You can now make your donation online at www.runformissions.org. Or, checks may be written payable to EFC-MAYM, memo “Run for Missions”, and sent to the Friends Ministry Center, 2018 W. Maple St., Wichita, KS 67213.

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