Thayne A. Thompson, DMin | EFC-MAYM Lead Superintendent
Ministry Conference 2025 | July 10-13, 2025 @ Friends University
As we travel across Mid-America these days there is a sense of renewed vision for making disciples and impacting our local communities. It is exciting for our Leadership Team to meet with churches and hear about what God is doing at our Regional Leadership Retreats.
During the past year we have considered the role and purpose of Ministry Conference moving forward. One of the central themes in our conversations has been the importance of “community” building as we come together each year for our annual gathering.
The question that must be asked is, “What can we only do when we are gathered together?” Community building is certainly an important part of that.
Recently, at one of our Regional Leadership Retreats a phrase was coined, “The Church Works.” When discussing how the people in attendance were discipled, many of them mentioned the role their local church had in their personal spiritual formation. Therefore, the phrase, “The Church Works” came to be.
This year’s Ministry Conference will reflect that theme and take on a little different twist in several ways. First, we are inviting all of our pastoral families to join us on Thursday evening, July 10 for a special outing at the ballpark similar to what we shared together in Kansas City during our 150th celebration. At no expense to you, an opportunity for food, fellowship, and fun will be provided as a way of saying “Thanks” for all you do to serve churches across Mid-America. Then, on Friday morning we will provide some enrichment opportunities for pastors and spouses before kicking off Ministry Conference on Friday evening. This year’s Ministry Conference will be two weeks earlier than in the past and held on campus at Friends University in the recently renovated and expanded Riney Fine Arts Center. It has been over 5 years since we were able to stay onsite at Friends. This year will once again provide us the opportunity for a fully onsite experience.
During the next two days we will hear numerous stories from local churches about how “The Church Works” across EFC-MAYM as we celebrate the present and look to the future. I am anticipating a special gathering this summer and hope you will “Save the Date” for Ministry Conference 2025, July 10-13.
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” Isaiah 43:18-19
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