Booker Friends Church hosted the 2nd quiz of the season on Feb. 6. A round robin tournament allowed all teams to play every other team. In the end, the two Bethel teams held the top spots with Bethel Blue taking 1st Place and Bethel Red placing 2nd. The other standings were as follows: 3rd--Rose …
Roy Twaddell, EFM Missionary | Visiting EFC-MAYM Churches in April
Roy & Jinky Twaddell have been serving as missionaries with EFM for more than 20 years. They are currently working with Middle East ministries to muslims. See their profile on the EFM website. The Twaddells are also soon to transition to making the Philippines their new home base for …
Thin Places | reGENERATION Report
Discipleship, Engagement, Disorientation and Connection. "When I was a kid, I used to enjoy art and would spend a great deal of my time drawing….Then I started playing video games and stopped drawing. I have come to …
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