“Like” the official Evangelical Friends Church Mid America page on Facebook and interact with Friends Church followers from all over our region, as well as catch up on the latest news and updates. “Follow” Evangelical Friends Church Mid America on Twitter for the latest news and …
Jr. High Bible Quiz – Argonia
The second Jr. High Bible Quiz of the 2012 season was held on January 28th at Argonia Friends Church. There were 18 teams from 9 churches. Crossroads took home the 1st place ribbons by defeating Haviland Blue (2nd place). Pratt Blue took 3rd place by outscoring Argonia Blue (4th place). At the …
More EFC-MAYM News
Updates from the Local Church • All of those in EFC-MAYM involved in missional ministry are invited to a “Campfire” gathering for networking, encouragement, prayer, coaching, and support. This event will be Sunday, April 15th, 5:30-8:30 at Northridge and will include a merk supper. Contact the …
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