Kids Camp | Grades 3-6 | May 31 – June 4
High School Camp | Grades 9-12 | June 5 – 9
Jr. High Camp | Grades 6-8 | June 10 – 14
Camper |$299
Counselor | $199
All grades designate grade completed.
Check-in for each camp is from 1:00 – 3:00 on the start date | Camp ends at 10:00 a.m.
Emergency only number | If you need to contact someone at camp in case of emergency, please call the CQH number and leave a message | 620-442-9690
Deadlines are to EFC-MAYM office. If you are turning in payments to your church youth leader, they will probably require earlier deadlines
May 14 | Registrations and deposit due online
If you wish to pay by check or your church is sending payment for your group, please use the discount code “PAYBYCHECK” in the registration “Summary” right before your order total. All Individuals must complete online registration form for Camp. Checks for the total ticket amount must be mailed to the Yearly Meeting Office, postmarked to EFC-MAYM no later than May 14, and made payable to “EFC-MAYM” at:
2018 W Maple St
Wichita, Kansas 67213
A late fee of $35 will be added to each registration/deposit received after May 14th
$100 deposit or any registration payments are non-refundable and non-transferable to other campers after May 15th
Church Leaders:
Each church is responsible for sending a minimum of 1 COUNSELOR to every 5 CAMPERS
Please review What Makes a Great Camp Counselor.
Counselors must apply online before May 1st | If you would like to “adopt” and pay registration cost of a counselor from another location (ie. college student or other adult) contact Kristina Davenport
If you are collecting payments for your group, please mail deposits to the EFC-MAYM office (one week grace period for church checks) and bring final payment for your group to camp check-in. If you are the primary person responsible for registering your church group and would like access to see your group’s registration, please contact Kristina Davenport. This access allows you to see everyone registered with your church and their information.
COUNSELORS we need you, our camps depend on good counselors like you!
If you would like to be a counselor, please review What Makes a Great Camp Counselor. If you think you meet the recommendations, simply fill out the Online Counselor Registration.
Counselor registration is $199 | Churches are encouraged to offset counselor costs
We accept counselors/assistant counselors/Apprentice Counselors (A.C.) who are at least 16 years old and at least 3 years older than the campers at any particular camp (Example: a person who has completed their third year in high school can counsel at Jr. High Camp). Counselors who apply by April 1 online will be contacted with ‘acceptance’ and other instructions by or before May 1 via email.
Counselors will receive basic orientation during the normal camp program schedule as well as be required to finish “Ministry Safe” training online before coming to camp .
Primary Counselor | Assigned 10-12 campers in a cabin. Responsible for directing the campers through the program and giving oversight to them throughout camp. The Primary Counselor may also be asked to teach an initiative activity during the day. The Primary Counselor will also be in charge of nightly cabin devotions/reflections and debriefing campers through spiritual decisions they make.
Assistant Counselor | (age 18 or over/at least 1 year prior experience). Assists the Primary Counselor in all cabin responsibilities as stated above. Must be willing to maintain an attitude of learning and servanthood to the Primary Counselor and Cabin group each day.
Apprentice Counselor (A.C.) | A 16-18 year old or first year counselor who wants to learn what it means to be a counselor.
Counselor in Training (CIT) | To provide intentional time, space, and experience for students to learn what it means to be a Counselor and to Counsel at Kids Camp and Junior High Camp. This will be done through a 24-hour training before the camp where the student is counseling and will provide an opportunity to counsel at camp with other counselors along with extra time to process what you are learning as you counsel during camp. CIT’s are required to be at camp a day before camp starts.
Intern Information
Campers – Earn Free Registration for Camp! Download this CQH Intern Application and mail to Camp Quaker Haven | 8438 312th Road, Arkansas City, KS 67005 | Contact the camp at 620-442-9690 for more details.
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