Missionary Blessing Fund
In order to help provide for the education and training of long-term missionaries who serve with Evangelical Friends Mission (EFM), the following guidelines will be in place.
- All Missionary Blessing Fund monies will be given only to EFM Missionaries who have already begun their service on the mission field. Those who are eligible to apply are EFM missionaries or national workers with EFM prayer cards. (Children of missionaries are not eligible to apply; these funds are designated only for those who are actively serving as EFM missionaries.) The Missionary Blessing Fund Team will approve each application before any money is disbursed. Funds may be used for school loan reduction or any approved mission education class or mission degree.
- Missionaries should contact EFM first about classes or continued education relating to their work on the mission field. After EFM approves, the next step would be to fill out the application for the Missionary Blessing Funds. Decisions as to how to disburse the monies will be made by the Missionary Blessing Fund Team in consultation with EFM leadership.
- The Missionary Blessing Fund Team will reserve the right to limit giving, reduce the giving, or decline a request when the Fund has dropped below $50,000.00. When the Fund has recovered, then applicants may reapply.
- The Missionary Blessing Fund Guidelines have been set up to guide the team – to help make decisions clear and easy. However, special cases may arise which would need to be discussed with the entire Mission Mobilizer Team and/or EFM before a final decision is made.
Each EFM missionary from EFC-MAYM may receive up to $1000 per year for mission education or student loan payments, until the maximum amount of $6000 has been received. For applicants working toward a degree, funds will be disbursed semester by semester. Funds for workshops, special training, etc., will be disbursed class by class. Once a missionary has served for at least 6 years with EFM, he or she may request funds beyond the $1000 per year limit up to the full cost of the training, but the overall maximum of $6000 per missionary will still apply.
EFM missionaries who are not from EFC-MAYM may receive up to $700 per year for mission education or student loan payments, until the maximum amount of $4000 has been received. For applicants working toward a degree, funds will be disbursed semester by semester. Funds for workshops, special training, etc., will be disbursed class by class. Once a missionary has served for at least 6 years with EFM, he or she may request funds beyond the $700 per year limit up to the full cost of the training, but the overall maximum of $4000 per missionary will still apply.