As summer has come to an end, and we begin a new fall semester and season, I wanted to take some time and reflect a bit and share about summer camp 2021. First off, I want to say THANK YOU to those individuals and churches who made donations and brought offerings to help with the $30,000 goal in repairing the pool. As of today, the full amount has been raised and Camp Quaker Haven will be repairing the pool in preparation for summer camp 2022! In regard to this past summer’s camping season, I want to say: To God be the glory for the things He has done! There were many highlights, some of which we did not hear about given the nature of God’s work in the hearts and lives that were present. Many thanks to Shawn Penrose and Katie Stratton for directing kids camp and Josiah Brown, Michael Scott, Chase and Kristina Davenport for directing High School and Junior High. To our camp speakers, program staff, and Camp Quaker Haven staff, we say thank you for serving our campers this summer. Most importantly to our COUNSELORS, thank you for taking time and energy out of your life to bless and minister to our campers. You have all made an eternal difference in the lives of our kids and students. One comment from a counselor that I believe describes part of the kingdom impact that summer camp provides, is as follows: “It was a blessing to be counseling again 16 years after God called me to ministry at CQH. Some of the same people were there and it was very affirming and cool to be able to look back at all God has done in our lives over that time and to imagine how He will work in the lives of the younger counselors and campers that were there this year.” To God be the glory for the GREAT things he has done in the lives of so many at Camp Quaker Haven.
Jesse Penna – Director of Student Ministries