SCAMP: Senior Christians Are Marvelous People
Who | Anyone Over 50
When | October 7-10, 2024
Where | Camp Quaker Haven, Arkansas City, KS
Cost | $155 per person
Blessed to be a Blessing
Late fees for registrations after September 16th. Check out the brochure below for more event information and the registration form.
For questions, contact Larry Foster at 316-841-3147 or [email protected]
Come for rest, fun, fellowship,
teaching, prayer, praise, and worship.
Meet new people and have a blessed time together!!
Most of all come with an open heart for what God has for you!

Speaker |
Frank Penna
Frank Penna was born in Denver Colorado, coming to know Jesus as Savior and Lord as a child at Denver Friends Church. Quaker Ridge Camp is the place where he felt a call to ministry as a teenager. That call took him to Friends Bible College, where he met Janet Smith from League City, Texas (Friends Church). Janet and Frank graduated and were married in 1978. They have 4 children and 12 grandchildren. Frank received his Master of Transformational Leadership-Spiritual Formation from Barclay in 2013.
The Pennas have served in pastoral ministry in Haviland Friends (Minister of Music), Northwest Friends (Arvada, CO), Alva Friends (OK), Linwood/Shepherd Friends (Wichita), Bayshore Friends (TX), Denver Friends and currently Countryside Friends (CO). Frank has served World Renewal (Greenfield, IN) since 2005 in a number of capacities, mostly to encourage church planting pastors and their congregations in Brazil, Haiti, Mexico, India, Mozambique, the Arab world and Kenya. In 2023, Frank joined the Evangelical Friends Mission/Rocky Mountain Yearly Meeting Luke 10 Team on two exploratory trips to the interior of Northwest Brazil in order to investigate a potential new partnership and work among 3 unreached people groups: Atikum (indigenous), Ciganos (Romanian Gypsies), and Quilombolas (descendants of run-away slaves).
Janet has recently retired after 12 years stint for Mid-America Yearly Meeting.
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