Those times when I find myself most passionate about what I am doing are the times when I have a “dream” I am pursuing. That dream is what catches my attention at the beginning of the day, and keeps my mind preoccupied throughout the day.
Kristin and I are in the process of building a home and moving to a new neighborhood. It has been a dream we have been chasing for the past year or so. Every day I dream about, and look forward to seeing the progress being made as construction continues. As our house nears completion, I have been reading a book by Brad Brisco entitled, “Covocational Church Planting”. I have to admit, this book has captured my attention and caused me to dream as well, not because I consider myself (or ever have considered myself) a church planter, but because what Brad writes seems to fit exactly with the dream God is placing within me, and the dream that I believe He has for our churches.
Our “We have a Dream” document says: We have a dream that every local church was actively participating with God in the process of making disciples. What if church culture changed from maintenance or preservation to multiplication? What if we knew exactly who God was sending us to, and we knew them by name? What if every church made at least one disciple in the next year, starting with non-disciples? (cf. Mt 28:19)
So what is your and my role in bringing this portion of the dream to fulfillment? As we have been preparing to move into our new neighborhood we have begun to meet our new neighbors. Everytime I meet someone I make a mental note of their name. I even have a file on my phone with the names of all of the people I have met thus far. I have begun to dream about getting to know our new neighbors, and having them in our home…and praying that God would use us to love them, and lead them to Jesus, as the Holy Spirit opens the doors. Moving into a new neighborhood is like having a fresh start. When you are the first ones on the block, you have the opportunity to welcome others home.
However, I’m not suggesting you have to move to a new neighborhood, or a new job, to start loving people to Jesus. You can begin praying and dreaming today of how God might want to use you to love those around you, with a view towards sharing with them the greatest gift you have ever been given.
During our leadership team meetings at the Ministry Center, these days, one of the things we do on a regular basis is ask one another, “What have you done in the past week to help realize the dream of disciple making? Who are you loving towards Jesus?” It helps us keep the dream in the forefront.
What are you dreaming today? What is your church dreaming today? How are you keeping the “dream” alive and in front of you? How are you using the resources entrusted to you to fulfill the dream God has given us as Evangelical Friends-Mid-America?
We would love to hear about it! If God is doing something in you that inspires you to do something for Him (personally or as a church) please share it with us, so we can share it with others.
And…Keep on dreaming!
-Thayne Thompson
Executive Superintendent
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