To learn more about the ministry of the EFCMAYM Missions Mobilizers, click here.
Charity Sandstrom, Pastor at Emporia Friends, is the new Chairperson for EFCMAYM Missions Mobilizer Team. Charity served on the team from 2009 to 2016 and has a great heart for missions!
“I’m excited to begin a time of serving our Missions Mobilizers Committee as chairperson. Missions is a part of my heritage and holds a piece of my heart. Growing up I heard first-hand stories from my grandparents Alfred and Ruth Miller about their years of ministry in Burundi, Africa. Because of those connections my heart beats for the work of sharing God’s grace both here and around the world. We have such a privilege to support, encourage and spread the news about our missionary partners serving through EFM. We’ve also had an amazing impact by directly supporting their needs through our Missionary Blessing Fund, supported by our annual Run for Missions. It is a blessing to celebrate our past, and it is our responsibility to continue to work diligently in our partnership with Burundi’s Yearly Meetings and our Sister Church Project. I am looking forward to what new and different ways God may want to use us to mobilize our EFC-MAYM churches for missions. Will you pray with me, seeking God’s direction and how he might want to use our committee, and you specifically to ignite a passion for missions across our Yearly Meeting?”
Charity Sandstrom