Thayne Thompson | EFC-MAYM Lead Superintendent
Last summer at Ministry Conference I was given the encouragement, by our EFC-MAYM Elders, to determine how we might be able to increase our leadership in Student Ministries to full-time at the Yearly Meeting level. At that time it was suggested if every church was able to give an additional $600/year the needed funds to make this happen would be available.
After Ministry Conference I continued to visit with individuals with varying views regarding this need. After much consideration I decided to place the decision in the hands of you, our local churches, to see what type of support we might have for such a decision, realizing that not all churches would have the same level of need, nor ability to support such an effort.
I am happy to share with you today through the commitment of individuals and local churches we now have sufficient financial support to fund a full time “Director of Student and Young Adult Ministries.” Jesse Penna has officially been offered and accepted that position effective February 1, 2024.
Thank you to those of you who have been passionate about this need in Mid-America. We see this position as an important piece in not only equipping volunteers and youth pastors to provide programming for youth related events, but also as a key part of our long-term church planting strategy as we seek to help young men and women determine God’s call upon their lives as pastors and missionaries.
Those of you who have felt a prompting to support this position financially can begin sending your financial support to the Ministry Center as you are prepared to do so. Contact Janet Penna if you have questions.
Thank you for your partnership with the 60ish churches across EFC-MAYM as we attempt to strengthen our existing churches, make new disciples, and plant churches locally and globally. May Jesus be pleased with our efforts.