Kaleb and Sarah Locke | EFC-MAYM Quiz Directors
The 2024 Jr High Bible Quiz season wrapped up on Saturday, April 27th with a historical tournament at Friendswood Friends. Thirteen teams from seven churches quizzed over Matthew 15-28. The competition was intense. At the end of the day, Haviland Blue took 1st place with Friendswood Blue 2nd. Friendswood Red finished in 3rd place and Northridge Blue took 4th place. The other teams finished as follows:
5th – Hutchinson, Haviland Red
6th – Bethel, Friendswood White
7th – Chandler Blue, Derby Blue
8th – Haviland White, Northridge Red
9th – Chandler Red
In addition to the regular ribbons, some special awards are given out at the finals. All Star Medals are given to the 4 quizzers who have the highest average score in their top 3 quiz meets. The 2024 All Star Quizzers are:
#4 – Jude Hutson (Northridge) with an average score of 90
#3 – Luke Porterfield (Friendswood) with an average score of 95
#2 – Janay Wolters (Bethel) with an average score of 152
#1 – Caddie Follette (Haviland) with an average score of 176

The Frazier Award is given to a student who shows excellence in quizzing, leadership, and Christian testimony. This year was very unique as there were two quizzers who represented these attributes to the degree that it was too difficult to pick between the two of them. So, the Frazier award was given to Caddie Follette and Mika Porterfield!

It was a historic way to end a great season of Jr. High Bible Quiz! We are extremely proud of all of the hard work our students put into this season. There’s something super encouraging about watching our youth so engaged in learning Gods word!

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