We were richly fed by Dr. Becky Towne last month in the Institute course on Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Direction, and she will provide rich knowledge for us again in our class on December 3, 2018. Our noblest goal is to follow Jesus so closely that, when others see us, they see the love of Jesus. Becky is devoted to help us achieve this high goal.
Becky is certainly prepared to give us guidance. She has gained significant wisdom through more than three decades of pastoral ministry with Jim, her husband. In her vocation as professor, she has taught numerous Master’s and Doctoral students at Houston Graduate School of Theology in courses on Christian Spirituality. Becky has mentored many others toward deeper Christian growth. Most important is that her personal life beautifully exemplifies Christ-like love. Becky welcomes the opportunity to share with us. When I asked her to teach, she said “yes” immediately.
To see and talk with Becky, you may do so at these locations: Friends Community Church (Angleton), Fowler Friends Church, New Hope Friends Church, Kickapoo Friends Center, Marshalltown Friends Church, Lighthouse Fellowship Church (at the home of Jerry and Mary Louthan), Indianapolis, with Steve Turner, Neighborhood Friends Church (at the home of Tom and Bonnie Bousman), Friends Ministry Center (Wichita), Bangor Liberty Friends Church, Barclay College (Jackson Hall), North Newton (at the home of Merl and Eunice Kinser), Bethel Friends Church, St Paul, MN Friends Church (at the home of Kumar Tamang, with Friends from Nepal and Bhutan), Canadian Yearly Meeting (Montreal Monthly Meeting at the home of David Millar, and the homes of Paul Etienne Mungombe and Jonathan Esongo, Friends from Congo), (Quebec City Meeting with Musato L. Dems and Alphee Ndahond, Friends from Congo), All Nations (formerly Sudanese Community) Friends Church in Omaha, NE, Palmer, Alaska (at the home of David Miller), Noatak, Alaska (Robert Sheldon, Superintendent), Louisville, KY Friends Church and Stone Mountain Friends Church in Atlanta (with Friends from Rwanda and Burundi), Samson Retnaraj (EFM missionary in Nepal), Mncedisi Nkomo (pastor in Zambia), James Nduwayo (pastor in Rwanda), Faniyi Paul in Nigeria, Amuri Edouard with African Friends in Chicago, Bishop Dr. Benjamin Elunga W’Elunga, ministering to Congolese refugees in Tanzania, Linnette Moodie, a Jamaican Friend, Anthony Moodie Pastor at the Dover Friends Church in Jamaica, Mary Carter-Haynes Pastor at Amity Hall Friends Meeting in Jamaica, Eliyazer Biumba and Mitaci Ekwenya, Congo Friends in the Abilene, TX Friends Church.
If your schedule conflicts with the time of the class, you can hear Becky HERE.
Perhaps you can gather a group to discuss Becky’s presentation.
To have Becky as our teacher is a marvelous opportunity, and I invite you to join our class on Monday, December 3, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. central time.
We will soon celebrate Thanksgiving, and we pray with Jesus, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth” (Matthew 11:25 NRSV). We are truly thankful for God’s abundant blessings, among them our Leadership Institute.
With thanksgiving in my heart,
– Dave Kingrey, Director of Leadership Institute